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Suitable for Both Residential & Commercial Projects

US Thermal Coatings is a distributor of Corkshield, an insulation solution, and the most advanced green energy product on the market today. We specialize in both residential and commercial projects, no matter the size or complexity of the job. Thermal Coatings is an innovative product that insulates your home or office, resists cracks, and doesn’t fade. The material is both waterproof and breathable, meaning it prevents water from entering from the outside while allowing moisture to escape from the inside, limiting the opportunity for mold to grow.

Thermal Coatings can decrease the chances of fire by 50% and upwards and acts as a thermal barrier that will significantly reduce heat from entering your home or office. Cork insulates your building from outside noise, giving you a quiet, peaceful interior. It can minimize echo in any room, home, or business. It is such a great isolator and absorber of sound waves that many recording studios still use it for acoustic insulation.

home that just received a thermal corkspray

Breathe New Life Into Your Building’s Exterior

Thermal Coatings can restore the vitality and performance of any building’s exterior. The texture is smooth and inconspicuous, blending in well with a variety of surfaces, including brick, wood, glass, siding, block, metal, and stucco. Instead of removing outdated wood, aluminum, or steel siding, revitalize your building’s exterior with a Thermal Coating. If you’re worried your old stucco isn’t in great shape, our certified installers will evaluate and repair any problems with your existing stucco to guarantee a beautiful, durable finish. With dozens of stock color options plus the ability to mix custom colors, you’ll have the complete creative freedom to customize the look and style of your home, office, or commercial facility. Our insulation product has also been used in gyms, commercial vehicles, building rehabilitation, and much more.

Protect Your Biggest Investment With Thermal Coatings

US Thermal Coatings is proud to offer thermal cork, a renewable insulation product to residential and commercial customers. With our product’s superior sustainability combined with world-class customer service and a 10-year warranty, you’ll have the revolutionary insulation solution that delivers long-lasting results. For the ultimate in functionality, a boost to your indoor comfort, significant improvements in energy efficiency, and an attractive look, choose Thermal Coatings. Contact us today to learn more.

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