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Become a Certified Applicator for US Thermal Coatings

Are you a talented entrepreneur interested in the freedom that comes from owning your own business? Building your company is easy with our established product and brand – become a certified applicator of Thermal Cork and take your business to the next level. US Thermal Coatings is looking for contractors in Florida and Colorado markets. Our team of experts will guide you through the training process until you become an official applicator in your area. Be a part of our certified distributors and applicators to offer healthier, more comfortable living and working spaces to your clients. . Contact us today to learn more about joining us on our mission to create better-looking, more energy-efficient homes and commercial buildings throughout the nation.

hand holding spray gun

Our Certified Applicator Start-Up Package

When you make the decision to join our team of certified applicators, US Thermal Coatings will supply you with a premium start-up package with all the tools you need to get involved. Your start-up package includes a supply of insulation material, application equipment, marketing material, website development support, leads generated online for your specific territory, and the training and certification you need for success. Thermal Cork will provide your clients with a revolutionary insulation product offering a wide range of benefits:

  • Superior Thermal Barrier
  • Fire Retardant
  • Salt Resistant
  • Flexible
  • Durable
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Mold and Mildew Resistant
  • Interior Acoustic Insulation
  • Sounds Dampening for the Exterior
  • 10 Year Warranty Included

Be a Part of Eco-Friendly Insulation Technology

Become a certified Thermal Coatings applicator and gain the benefits of being a part of an incredible company and a market that continues to grow rapidly. We’ll provide you with all the tools and training to professionally apply our innovative insulation product and teach you how to market and manage your brand. Contact us today – your opportunity awaits!

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